Diversity of Runners

T-rex character, home page, blog
What is it in common about a t-rex, a crow, a two legged star, a snail, a retro robot, gopnik (similar to chavs), a caterpillar and an indicator? Well, let’s see...
Indicator is the hardest thing to explain, really. It’s a side character of Soviet animation The Mystery of The Third Planet. It is basically a box with legs, but no face to express emotions. To reveal what it feels it must change color. Knock it and it turns violet with yellow spots, cuddle it and it blinks yellow and blue. Aren’t we all behaving in a similar manner though?
In case you work in a highbrow front end / back end coding international startups, you might have a lot of feelings and thoughts to share. The owner of blog used to write down all the philosophy of everyday life mixed with hardcore coding insights, precisely explained.
In case you work in a highbrow front end / back end coding international startups, you might have a lot of feelings and thoughts to share. The owner of blog used to write down all the philosophy of everyday life mixed with hardcore coding insights, precisely explained.

Home page, blog
Together we were in search of a solution that would allow it to be playful and to reflect the core values of the blog’s author. The topic was serious enough, the imagery could not by any chance be boring.

Newcomb-Benford law, blog
Take for example the Newcomb–Benford law. Yes, there is a blog entry about just that one. It is the law of anomalous numbers, an observation about the frequency distribution of leading digits in many real-life sets of numerical data. We had to visualise it too.
Redesigning the blog includes so many little things. Customised navigation, clarity of it, choice of fonts, icons for the hashtags for more efficient navigation. Because who reads plain texts these days?

Crow character, work in progress, sketchbook
The editorial tone of voice of the illustrations needed to be lowered down, or in other words balanced out with the clean and sharp appearance of the icons.
Icons for hashtags, blog
The parallax in the header image of the website alows us to distribute characters by layers to achieve the depth of field and an illusion of a small crowd running the same direction.